Stripe charges a fee of 2.2% + 30¢ per transaction. Please consider helping us defray these costs when participating. 100% of your participation after transaction fees will be sent to the US Treasury to fund the US Deficit.
The National Debt Project Inc is focused on garnering and building a grassroots effort amongst the public to combat the rising US Deficit. With a non-conventional and artistic approach to literacy and awareness about the issue, the National Debt Project Inc’s main focus is to provide tools and support for the public as they make contributions to reduce the US Deficit.
The National Debt Project Inc is an outgrowth of a longstanding performance project by conceptual artist Nicole Wilson. In the wake of the Great Recession, Wilson began to send found change to the US Treasury to offset the United States deficit. At the time, the United States’ growing deficit had entered the realm of political theater as a symbol of mismanagement and greed. As talking heads divided the amount of US Debt held by the number of US Citizens, she kept finding money everywhere. Beginning August 31, 2009 she began to send that change to the Treasury to offset the growing debt in an action that would be a satirical piece of performance art. The project has been ongoing daily ever since. The National Debt Project Inc (501(c)(3) status pending) has been established to allow you to participate in offsetting the US Deficit as an extension of Wilson’s project.